My Charity Work
Experiencing the globe has incredibly humbled me over the years. The sheer wealth to poverty imbalance is indescribable. A critical pillar in my life has been education and that is where much of our charity work goes to inspiring creative, critical thinking and encouraging the human imagination. Enabling freedom of thought and a safe place to do so has been the root of healthy and equitable civilizations. Follow Iron Ash on the journey to enabling better students of the planet.
Mining Engineering Student Mentoring
University students to recent graduates can register with Mentor City and ask to be put in contact with Erik for ideas and thoughts on how to choose a fulfilling and enjoyable career path.
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Building Minds in South Sudan
Through Ambassador programs in South Sudan, we have been fortunate to build relationships with communities to build schools for children especially young women in South Sudan. The school building has enabled microfinance programs specifically for women to help build the communities. It is incredible what passion and a desire to share knowledge will provide communities.
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Trade Schools
Transferring skills and techniques across cultures and climate zones have encouraged the innovation of applied science in the physical world. Iron Ash will be looking to exchange knowledge with select partnerships to move skilled tradespeople across borders to teach one another the safety cultures and techniques to develop and complete projects.